Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Million Thanks to Lou(ie Cale) for this blog!


Im just amazed with how God moves.

Calling different individuals with no
idea who or what Karis is.

And a few days after the retreat, it
seems to me... God's work is indeed
marvelous in our eyes!

Thanks to all the retreatants for
spending their sacred days in prayer
and reflection.. big bugs!!
Mike, Teetel, Raetz, Nikki, Sansu,
Louiecals,Mita,Merce, Chec, Kris
and Marthyn,Mike-d-Dude,Jools and Leah)

Thanks to Jesuits, Fr. Kit for accompanying and
selflessly celebrating ALL the liturgies,
the mother of all liturgies! Thanks to
Brother Javi, JOrdan and Ody for being
religious multi-taskers (thats why you guys
are all things to all men and women di ba?)
as well as witness and companions to

Thanks to jools and leah plus tabby and claire
of Hangad for making sure I dont need to sing
papuri sa diyos by my lonesome self (turning
it into a stevei wonder song) and give our
intimate liturgies (esp. EASTER V.) the melody
it deserves!

Thanks to ka roger, oti, liberty, tess and
hansel for quietly yet very significantly
work behind the scenes in order for all
of us to have a good retreat!

Thanks to Ronald for being co-organizer of
this endeavor and being there through and through...
either clicking away or making grilled cheese!


p.s. hope we all got our directories and mike dudes

Monday, April 9, 2007

2007 Holy Week Retreat

The Karis Holy Week Silent Retreat
April 5-8, 2007

Stepping back from our hurried pace of life, both home
and work, and find time to immerse and celebrate God's
unique and personal love that moves the stars in the
heavens, as well as our hearts who desire to encounter
such a love.

A silent & individually-directed Ignatian retreat for
young professionals centering around the Pascal
mysteries of our faith combining silent
prayer/reflection, spiritual readings, one-on-one
direction highlighted by liturgical celebrations
accompanied by specially invited Jesuit Fathers and



24 Guest Rooms with en-room toilet and hot water showers are contained amongst three two-storied casitas through out the property.

Aside from scheduled weekend retreats and conferences, The Karis will maintain its own calendar of workshops and retreats welcoming guests/pilgrims who wish to enter in solitude to relish the fruits of their previous experiences and immerse in a completely new one.

Conference Room has its own sound system, white-boards, over-head projector as well as an LCD projector*, TV, VHS and DVD players.

The Dining Room contains a small creativity corner with color and paper supplies for guests as well as a small selection of meditation and religious music

Indoor and Outdoor Chapel as well as sharing areas for prayer, reflection and discussions.



The Karis was born out of an awareness of God's love and graciousness. Throughout their lives, Mabini & Norma Juan had given time and effort to their local parish and renewal communities. A few years ago, they realized that they wanted to take their generosity and gratefulness a step further.

Sensing the need for a place for formation and growth, they found a parcel of land in Iruhin, West Tagaytay and proceeded to dedicate a sanctuary for the heart. Later, on a trip to Mexico, inspired by the simplicity and faithfulness of Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Juan couple dedicated the facility to her- The Karis, meaning grace in Greek.

In February 2005, Mabini Juan, through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, successfully recovered from a sudden quintuple-heart bypass operation, fuelled this initiative even more. Inspired by all these, The Karis continues to grow: God's constant invitation for all of us, no matter where we are, to accept and embrace our lives as grace to be received and shared.


Our mission is to be a sanctuary for "people of the journey", constantly invited by our Father to go beyond ourselves - our brokenness, our pains and selfishness; a journey to accept our own lives as grave to be received and shared.

To be a prime center for pastoral and formation activities for different parish communities, of all social levels and groups, who are brought together through an experience of faith, the word, sacrament and of each others story.

To provide an atmosphere of reflection to groups and individuals availing our facility and to assist them in the best of our capacity and capabilities.

To assist in seminars, workshops and training courses for corporate groups.